Novire Technologies to ‘ignite’ innovation in mobile, cloud, big data and IoT logistics 

cyber-physical systems

Shedding light on the central theme Logistics 4.0, Varia said, “Manufacturing companies are moving into “Smart factory” models (industry 4.0), which leads to manufacturing and warehouse units that rely more and more on the work done by machines. These machines plug into IoT networks to communicate with each other, and in the process allow us to access all aspects of the manufacturing/logistics chains. Logistics 4.0 is the new paradigm of human-machine interaction in logistics that is being implemented by manufacturers to support their industry 4.0 trends.” He further added that logistics services will need to be able to communicate with the increasing number of automated processes at factories and warehouses to provide an ever increasing seamlessness in the transition of the product/service from the manufactures silos to the customers’ doorstep.

Girish added, “Due to the increasing use of cyber-physical systems and IoT networks, big data analysis for human-machine interactions has never been this important. The current scenario of a segmented approach to logistics is ineffective and needs to be realigned with the trends that are currently being followed.”

Technology fuelling business innovation

The conference further witnessed customers sharing their best practices and how they are driving innovation in supply chain with the use of technology. Arun Attri, CIO, Wonder Cement shared how his company achieved in-plant automation and is accruing significant benefits from it.

On similar lines Abhishek Singh, Akzo Nobel elaborated how the company has eliminated bottlenecks and optimized processes by implementing mobile technology in supply chain. “With our earlier manual process, improving on-time delivery, which is a key component of dealer satisfaction, was a challenge. We implemented mobile GPS device across all our warehouses to address the business issue. This has enabled web-based order and vehicle tracking for both sales and logistics teams. Post implementation, email and SMS alerts are sent to dealers regarding material dispatch, which has led to significant rise in dealer satisfaction. Further, vehicle utilization, detention and delivery delays have been substantially minimized,” Singh said.

Some of the early adopters of Logistics 4.0, have relooked at their end to end processes and also adopted Novire-Auto plant’s end to end to plug the gaps in logistics and supply chain.  V.V. Benugopal – CEO Panther Transfreight Limited (part of JSPL Group) and Ittaya Sirivasukarn – CEO OF INSEE Digital Company Ltd (Part of Siam City Cement Group, Thailand) had partnered with Novire-Autoplant to implement their E2E Solution.

Additionally, Shidan Murphy, Angoss and Mrugank Parikh, Byte Prophecy discussed how Big Data can be leveraged to enhance business efficiencies and also presented real life use cases illustrating the use of Big data.

Swapnil Bagul the CTO of Writer Safeguard.Pvt.Ltd shared his company’s achievement by implementing IoT solution for their cash vans & ATMs.

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