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    About ELE Times

    ELE Times provides a comprehensive global coverage of Electronics, Technology and the Market. In addition to providing in depth articles, ELE Times attracts the industry’s largest, qualified and highly engaged audiences, who appreciate our timely, relevant content and popular formats.

    Professionals/Engineers, who demand precision and excellence in themselves and their work, need to know about technology, methods, products and suppliers. They are involved in every part of the buying process, from intent to action.

    Our primary focus is on these crucial, yet hard-to-reach design engineers /managers and purchasing professionals. Our in-depth technical content delivers what they are looking for when they need it. In the process, we aim to build awareness about your company as they investigate products, parts and services at every stage of the design process.

    ELE Times helps you build awareness, drive traffic, communicate your offerings to right audience, generate leads and sell your products better. ELE Times keeps pace with changing distribution technologies, anticipating reader preference and delivering on advertiser demands for measurable results. Offered in print, digital and mobile versions. The pulse of print beats strong in ELE Times,and our digital and mobile versions are vibrant, too. Demand for our digital edition continues to grow, and our mobile apps are appealing to the connected reader.

    ELE Times continues to inspire a devoted global audience– the largest qualified readership of any industry brand. Our readers are R&D professionals, researchers and product designers, OEMs and systems integrators – your customer