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    New Enterprise Management Solution for better efficiency and decision support

    Athenta Technologies, a leading platform-based enterprise that specializes in Integrated Infrastructure Management Business, has brought in a new Enterprise Management Solution. The robust solution is enabled with ‘DCEYE & AOMS’ that dispenses a superior performance of the existing Infrastructure and proactively identify problems to prevent downtime of the system.

    Currently, the traditional platform and software available in the market require extra hardware and set-up that are not conducive to use and manage smooth operations. By understanding this pain point, Athenta offers an end-to-end management platform solution for the organization’s infrastructure needs. Under the new Enterprise Management System, DCIM tool helps data centers and enterprises to monitor and manage operations, administration 360 degrees. It starts with assets inventorying, which are usually segregated in different systems of a large datacenter or enterprises, limiting their usability and value.

    Jacob A Thomas, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Athenta Technologies said, “Our appliances use triple encryption for communication along with ‘Hawk-Eye’ view that enables you the flexibility to attach actual physical pictures of the command room and pinpointing each equipment in the environment, which is color-coded to display the state of the equipment in a monitor. One could get the health status of it just by simply hovering the mouse pointer over any equipment.”

    Athenta solution provides single console-based monitoring interface which can be used to get alarms, status check, reporting and report any trend in format’s like logs, graphical interface, pie chart, etc. for easy understanding. These features will help to run operations with the increased life expectancy of various appliances and enhanced safety and security.

    With a high-end help desk system that enables operators to document all the requests coming from end-users by linking them to a service management module is another additional feature. This helps in managing SLA automatically and increases the efficiency of the Help Desk team and make sure it is handling requests according to defined SLAs.

    Athenta Solution is connecting infrastructure entities for an end to end monitoring and reporting so that equipment performs as per their expectation and SLA – hence ensuring high performance.  Along with the above Athenta’s solutions, it has an inbuilt device certification mechanism which would allow adding new equipment in the environment, without worrying about its manageability in sync with the other equipment.

     For more information, kindly visit:

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