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    Samsung launches ‘Samsung E.D.G.E.’

    Samsung India has launched Samsung E.D.G.E., a first-of-its-kind campus program, to provide a platform that gives the country’s brightest minds at leading B-schools and engineering colleges an opportunity to get a head-start in their careers.

    The program is designed to engage with leading B-school and engineering talent across India. Students will get an opportunity to interact with the leadership team at Samsung, work on real-world business problems and come up with their unique solutions.

    The winning teams will get a cash prize along with a potential opportunity to work with Samsung.

    The Samsung E.D.G.E. program consists of three rounds. In the Campus Round, team members will come together, ideate and put up an executive case summary. Post evaluation, three teams per campus will be shortlisted for the Zonal Round in which all the teams will closely work on the case study and will submit and present their unique solutions. The final 12 teams will battle it out in the National Round after which the three winning teams will be announced.

    “Samsung always strives to encourage the best talent and nurtures the spirit of innovation. Samsung E.D.G.E. will provide us a platform to directly interact and engage with some of the brightest minds in leading B-schools and engineering colleges. We are confident we will gain valuable insights through this engagement,” said Udaiy Khanna, Vice President – Human Resources, Samsung India.

    For more details on the program, please visit:

    ELE Times Bureau
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