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    Goa to soon have an ESDM and IT Park

    The department of information and technology is in the process of framing the land allotment policy and building regulations for the Electronic System and Design Manufacturing Park and IT Park at Tuem and Chimbel, respectively, said minister for information and technology Rohan Khaunte.

    While the town and country planning department has already granted technical clearance for the sub-divison of plots for the ESDM park at Tuem, technical clearance for sub-division of 1.33 lakh sq m of land for the Chimbel IT park is awaited, Khaunte said in a written reply in the assembly.

    According to TOI, the department has identified 5.97 lakh sq m of land at Tuem for an ESDM park which is being setup at a total cost of Rs 161.32 crore. The Union ministry of electronics and information technology has given the final approval and has sanctioned Rs 73.77 crore for the project.

    Khaunte also informed the house that the department had written to the state electricity and PWD to provide power and water connection for the two facilities.

    In early 2017, aerospace engineering firm Aequs had evinced interest in setting up a Rs 500 crore manufacturing facility at the Tuem ESDM hub for the Indian defence sector, which is expected to generate 2,000 highly-skilled job opportunities. No timeline has been fixed for the completion of the Tuem ESDM park and the IT Park at Chimbel.

    ELE Times Research Desk
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