‘High Quality at Good Price Value’, is the mantra that is reigning the Test & Measurement market in India and all over the world. With every T&M Company shelling out equipments with multiple features at a budget price, the market is buzzing with newer technologies, each programmed for superior performances for multiple applications. Here are the few major T&M players in India talking about their respective T&M products and their USPs, their key market playgrounds and the companies’ business strategy in India.

Low-cost value product range offered by the major T&M Companies, and their USPs?
Rohde & Schwarz: Value Instruments from Rohde & Schwarz are designed especially for users, who want high quality products at a budget price. Below mentioned are some of the innovative products under Value Instruments category, from R&S.
- The R&S RTB2000 Digital Oscilloscope: This brings 10 bits ADCs, a 10-inch touch screen and deep memory into the entry-level oscilloscopes for the first times. In combination, users can not only resolve their signals in details vertically as well as horizontally but also see these details on high-resolution screen.
- R&S FPC1000 Spectrum Analyzer: FPC1000 Spectrum Analyzer redefines the entry class spectrum analyzer by offerings the highest frequency range, lowest noise, highest resolution instruments with largest screen size. The FPC1000 gives user an investment protection by allowing key code bandwidth upgrades from basic instrument purchase to allow the user to upgrade to higher frequency ranges.
- R&S NGE100 Power Supply Series: NGE100 rounds out the user’s bench by offering a two or three channel 66W/100W power supply all with galvanically isolated channels. The supply offers the fastest command processing time in its class, a first in its class electronic fuse that can be user adjusted for each channel to protect against over current spikes and easy ARB function that allows programming time/ voltage or time/current sequences.
Anritsu: Anritsu offers great value proposition for all products, pocket-sized, big on performance but cost effective offerings, for manufacturing wireless applications and others where simple measurement are required. Two of the highlighted products are:
- Ultraportable Spectrum Master MS2760A: By utilizing Anritsu’s patented ShockLine non-linear transmission line (NLTL) technology, the MS2760A shatters the cost, size, and performance barriers associated with traditional large form factor instruments to more efficiently advance technology development. It is truly pocket-sized, but big on performance with industry leading dynamic range, sweep speed, and amplitude accuracy. Its ultraportable size enables direct connect to almost any DUT, eliminating the need for lossy, expensive cables or antennas.
The MS2760A is the world’s first handheld millimeter-wave spectrum analyzer to provide continuous coverage from 9 kHz up to 110 GHz, positioning it perfectly for growing millimeter-wave applications like 5G, 802.11ad, satellite communications, automotive radar, and more. The MS2760A is USB-powered and controlled from a Windows-based PC, laptop, or tablet, making it uniquely flexible for use in the lab, on the manufacturing floor, or in the field. - 1 port USB VNA MS46121B: The MS46121B is a series of two PC-controlled 1-Port USB ShockLine Vector Network Analyzers with frequency ranges of 40 MHz to 4 GHz and 150 kHz to 6 GHz. The MS46121B provides performance and accuracy for your 1 port measurements in a low cost and space saving solution that is small enough to directly connect to the device under test. All the members of the MS46121B series are aimed at RF and microwave applications in manufacturing, engineering and education. The two MS46121B options both come with 120 microsecond per point sweep speeds and a measurement accuracy of +/- 0.5 dB (-6 dB offset, typical), making them suitable for your passive device test applications.
National Instruments: NI’s Low cost product offering include USB & PCI based data acquisition devices which can be used for multifunction IO – analog, digital, counter and timer interfacing capabilities. These devices when combined with LabVIEW, the graphical system design environment, are ideal for applications such as data logging, portable measurements, and academic lab experiments to meet your specific system requirements and budget.
MetroQ: As MetroQ brand tries to place all their products in “Value for Money” range, all the products from Multimeters / Digital Oscilloscopes / Soldering Stations are very aptly prices with no compromise on quality and Standards.
In Multimeters, MetroQ has a range starting from Rs. 500 (MTQ 111) for a basic Multimeter. Even TRMS DMM is available for Rs. 1600 (MTQ 888).
In Oscilloscopes the company offers the most economical DSO in India – 30 MHZ (SDS 5032E) @ Rs. 16000 and Pen PC DSO @ Rs. 5900.
Uniqueness of the products
Rohde & Schwarz: For the price range offered by R&S, customers are getting:
- The best in class banner specifications,
- First in class screens sizes – R&S FPC1000 & R&S RTB2000,
- Highest resolutions measurement capabilities to allow for measurement confidence,
- Reliability and trust from German engineering, and manufacturing company that is doing business for last 84 years.
Anritsu: Anritsu products offer a great value proposition to customer- best specification products in economical cost. Anritsu post-sales support is unique and it create good bond with customers.
National Instruments: NI’s power platform based systems which include modular hardware and software designed aspects are the most important elements of NI’s long-term differentiation. Customers from healthcare to automotive and from consumer electronics to particle physics – use NI’s integrated hardware and software platform to effectively solve their traditional applications as well as exciting new ones in the areas of Internet of Things, 5G and Big Analog data.
Market Strategies in India
Rohde & Schwarz: The Value Instruments will have extra sales channels with the channel partners in many part of the country actively promoting them along with company’s direct sales team.
Service & Application Support by R&S India:
- Authorized and certified by R&S Headquarters in Germany as “First Line Service Centre Gold”, R&S is prepared to meet market requirements in terms of comprehensive service support.
- R S India Service consist of team of competent and technical personal to carry out repairs , complete calibrations and customized measurements.
- Strong Application Support Team ready to solve typical applications/ queries
- Training of Channel Partners to ensure they have technical competence.
Anritsu: Anritsu is committed to Indian market and is improving its reach to all customers, appointing regional channel partners, offering reasonable charge basis after sales services.
National Instruments: NI’s employees operate out two branches in India- namely Bangalore and New Delhi along with a portion of NI’s global R&D sitting out of Bangalore. NI India continues strive to ensure that engineers and scientists are successful in using NI’s tools are successful may it be in reducing development time, designing high quality products or lowering design costs across Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Electronics and Semiconductor, Research and Wireless.
Indian Market Important
Rohde & Schwarz: India is one the fastest growing economy in the world and the company sees a lot of growth opportunities in the Aerospace and Defence market. The government is also doing a lot with recent initiatives like “Make in India”, FDI increment for Defense related projects and ‘Skill India’ programs. R&S sees an impetus in manufacturing sector and that’s a very positive sign for all the T&M players. Once that happen, not only will the imports come down, but will also create jobs for the talent rich pool available in this country. This will make India more self-reliant in their defence needs which are a critical matter for the country security.
Anritsu: Indian market is growing market. Many verticals are showing growth and Anritsu hopes this will continue in FY17 and open new opportunities for T&M vendors.
National Instruments: NI India’s growth and increased investment in India is a testament to the importance of the Indian market. With many industry majors and global companies investing in setting up engineering centers across India, and with the renewed emphasis on ‘Make-in-India’, NI expects continued adoption of the company’s platforms in India.
MetroQ: T&M is one of the fastest growing sector and with the demand coming up for quality instruments MetroQ offers the right products to the industry.
Segment Wise Market Presence
Rohde & Schwarz: For R&S, the biggest market segment continues to be wireless communication. There they have customers like Qualcomm, Intel and Broadcom and also manufacturers like Samsung and many other new clients who are growing at very fast speed. Other than this, they have traditional Aerospace and Defense, which is also very strong and important market for the company.
Anritsu: Anritsu products are used in many segments: Telecom- Mobile Operator, Handset manufactures educational, broadcast, Defence and R&D.
National Instruments: Test & Measurement systems and specifically NI’s products are being deployed across a variety of industries. However, currently the major markets for T&M in India include Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Electronics and Semiconductor, Research and Wireless.
Market Share
Rohde & Schwarz: R&S have been growing consistently over the years in India and are very strong and well-established company in their domain. The growth that the company would like to see now is from the wide based markets and small-scale industries. In Wireless Communication and A&D Markets, R&S already have a very strong hold in the country.
Anritsu: Anritsu position among top 3 RF MW T&M suppliers. The company claims to be among top 2 in many segments.
National Instruments: From 1998, NI India has worked with Engineers and Scientists from the Indian community to provide answers to the most challenging questions. NI’s customers have brought hundreds of thousands of products to market and overcome innumerable technological roadblocks, this stands testament to the fact that NI’s differentiated product line has been a preferred choice for many in the Indian market and hence the company believes that they are a major player in the Indian T&M Market.
MetroQ: MetroQ is the pioneers in the T&M Industry in India with taking lead in introducing latest technology and products at the best value.
Future strategies and key market areas for growth
Rohde & Schwarz: With help of new Value Instruments Portfolio, competent direct and channel team and world class service and application support, R&S is very excited to grow more in coming years.
Industrial Electronics, Research and Automotive are the upcoming market segments. With Value Instruments Portfolio and strong partner network, the company is very positive to achieve substantial market share from these market segments.
Anritsu: Anritsu is working to improve its coverage in all region by selecting new channel partners. The company will focus education, Aerospace and Defence market along with telecom manufacturing.
National Instruments: NI is committed to its mission to accelerate engineering success across the various elements of its expansive ecosystem by providing an open, software-centric platform that leverages modular hardware. 5G Wireless, Semiconductor Testing, Connected Vehicles and Internet of Things are key concentration areas for NI going forward.